Sunday, April 02, 2006

What are you working on? : Laura Krughoff

Just posted in my series of interviews with writers about their current projects, Laura Krughoff, who says:

The first draft of a short story has always been my least favorite part of the writing process -- I've always felt subject to the tyranny of finishing. For that reason, I've been really surprised by how liberating and fun diving into a draft of a novel has been. I'm enjoying the feeling of having a work in progress -- knowing I get to be with these characters and this material for a good long while.

Krughoff also talks about one of her techniques for uncovering details about her characters: she writes herself "long, rambling letters in which I tell myself everything I know about the novel and the characters. I ask myself all sorts of questions about stuff I don't know." I do a somewhat similar thing -- I do a written Q and A with myself about whatever issue I'm trying to resolve. (Disclosure: Krughoff and I have the same agent.)


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