Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Big push

In meetings today at work it was decided that another person and I would have to develop and deliver an entire training course in the next three weeks, with the actual training lasting two days and starting on Dec. 15. The CEO was in the meeting and he said something about very long days. I said I was copasetic with that, especially since I'm getting paid by the hour.

I did not say, "Dude! What about the groovy novel I'm trying to write??" But I'm afraid that's going to pass by the wayside a little. I will get up early tomorrow, though, and also try to get some of it done on Txg morning. But after that, and including the rest of the "holiday" weekend, I'm going to have to burn on this work.

That means either I'll blog more, as a way to relieve pressure, or much less, because I won't even be able to think about it. We shall see.

Driving home I heard the end of a K.D. Lang concert on the radio. She was singing Jane Siberry's gorgeous song Love is Everything, off Siberry's When I Was a Boy album of 1993. I listened to that album a lot when mourning Stephanie. Unabashed emotion is such a strong force and people are generally leery of it, usually with good reason, but when it is expressed as purely as on that album, it's really moving.

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