Thursday, November 11, 2004

Where the peering never stops

Yesterday I came home from work quite tired. Despite the fact that it was after 8:00 pm I ate some dinner and then got on the treadmill at 9:00 for my usual 4-mile walk-jog. I turned down a date with a good friend, that's how serious about exercising I was. By the time I got off the treadmill I felt less tired and weary than I had all week. This is why I hate exercise. How come I feel less tired after I do 4 miles than I did before I started?

Stranger yet, tonight I came home a little earlier and a little less tired; I had spent an hour less at work. I got on the treadmill, did my 4 miles, and felt better than I had before I got home -- but not as good as I felt the night before when I started out absolutely exhausted. I really don't get it.

At work I'm not done with this release yet but they're already having me help plan training courses for after the release. I guess that's a sign they want me to keep working there, which I'm grateful for. In any case, I'm very glad I have this new novel project to focus on.

Speaking of turning down dates, today I was forced to turn down a reading gig that would have been hugely fun. Last Gasp, the classic underground SF publisher of comix and outré stuff, is sponsoring a reading next week for one of its authors, J.T. LeRoy. The famously shy wunderkind won't be reading; Last Gasp's own Bucky Sinister is putting together a cast of readers to do the reading for him. Unfortunately I have my writer's group that night, so I had to demure. I did confirm a reading in Alameda, though, in February.

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