Saturday, November 06, 2004

Get back to work, slacker!

We have been without the internet at home from Wednesday on, a situation that will likely last another few days. So the frequency of posts on this blog have gone down. Sorry. It wasn't just post-election depression.

In fact, my post-election depresion is over. I woke up early on Friday morning with an idea in my head and started writing a new fiction piece, probably a novel. That makes two novels I have going at once, but the other one is much more ruminative and depressive, and I just can't get into that head space right now. This one is perkier, it's sort of a chick-lit thing. But also very San Francisco 2004.

One of the reasons I decided to go ahead with it was just to keep from getting dragged down by the election results, on one hand, and by my new job, on the other. The new job, plus the commute -- it takes me 35 minutes to get down there in the morning, but almost an hour to get home if I leave during the 5 o'clock hour -- are leaving me pretty bushed when I get home. And yet I haven't been unaccountably sleepy, and in any case last night I slept a good eight hours before getting up and doing another 3000 words on my new piece. Hey, it's National Novel Writing Month -- why shouldn't I contribute?

After some errands, I brought my laptop down to Maxfield's cafe at 17th and Dolores, where they have free wi-fi.

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