Friday, November 12, 2004

Hold your head up, whoa

A little dental problem that began cropping up 10 days ago suddenly got worse last night, and I woke up with a toothache at 4 a.m. I guess it beats living in Fallujah and being mortared out of bed, but otherwise, a toothache is not a good wakeup call. But this afternoon I can report a successful test of the pain-relieving qualities of Extra Strength Tylenol.

Speaking of drugs, Salon had an entertaining piece about Provigil, the stay-awake drug developed for the military which is now coming into wider use. The article included a nice shout-out to Erowid, which the article accurately describes as being like the reader reviews on, only about recreational drugs. Includes several references comparing the drug to Ecstacy and various forms of speed. Strangely, the guy never seems to have thought about simply cutting the pills in half if they string him out so bad.

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