Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Writers stuff

This morning I broke the 20,000 word mark on the National Novel Writing Month piece I started a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the goal is supposed to be 50,000 words, not 20,000. And I'm afraid I've backed myself somewhat into a corner narratively. I may have to take a break and actually do a little planning ahead.

The NYT published this piece the other day about writers who move "out" to Connecticut, and a young woman garnered lots of press for being brave enough to open an independent bookstore in Greenwich Village. And on Sunday the Chronicle published this nice reminiscence of Nobel Prize author Issac Bashevis Singer.

On Wednesday in San Francisco, Michelle Tea hosts another literary soiree:

a glamorous and exciting benefit

for the glamorous and exciting Heather MacAllister.

Wednesday, December 1st
El Rio
$5-20. Even more if you're loaded. All cash goes to Ms. MacAllister.


the delightful musical stylings of GLASS BALLS featuring Tara Jepsen & Brian
Whitty. spoken word from LAUREN WHEELER guranteed to boot you in the behind.
she's a lady. she's a monster. she's LADYMONSTER and she tells really nasty
stories. CREAMY GOODNESS will have you dancing. yum. totally true tales from
the psyche of SHERILYN CONNELLY. magnificent literary maven KATE BRAVERMAN
will read to you. whoa. hosted by michelle tea.

And while I'm at it, the next Writers With Drinks is coming up:

Saturday December 11, 2004:

Kim Stanley Robinson (Red Mars, Years of Rice and Salt)
Alana Devich (Comedy Studio)
Nina Schuyler (The Painting)
Lev (Tales of Mere Existence)
Solidad deCosta (Orchids are Feral)

At The Make-Out Room 3225 22nd. St., San Francisco CA, from 7:30 PM to
9:30 PM, doors open at 7 PM.

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