Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Fundies: We hate, fear happy kids

MTV announced it would start a new cable channel aimed at queer teens and young people. The NYT got this astonishing quote from a fundamentalist spokesman:

"You have a kid who is looking to fit in, and here you have a network that looks very inviting, very accepting, and this young kid is going to get a false representation of what homosexuality has to offer," Mr. Haley said. "I really am sad and fearful for these kids who are going to want to be as happy and as happy-go-lucky as Will is on 'Will & Grace.'"

The blog The Minor Fall, the Major Lift headlined its entry about this as "The Homosexual Agenda... Revealed!" But I think the shoe is on the other foot. It's the fundies whose agenda is exposed by the quote. They simply hate the idea that young people can be happy and enjoy themselves outside church-sanctioned activities.

It's possible to make way too much of one quote, but it shows how besieged fundies truly feel in modern society, that they could be so threatened by... a mainstream network sitcom.

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