Tuesday, May 04, 2004

How's that war going?

(Have you noticed I'm repeating a lot of my clever headlines? Stick with what works, that's my philosophy. For example, I still eat pussy the exact same way I did when I was 19.)

It took a while, but that photo of a humiliated Iraqi prisoner balancing on a box, wires connected to various parts of his body, wearing what looks like sackcloth along with his KKK-style hood, has become one of the first truly iconic images of the Second Gulf War. I predict you're going to see it in history books, just like you see that photo of the naked Vietnamese girl running up the road. The Revealer compares the photo to images of the Inquisition; the hood is the most obvious common element. But Killing the Buddha has another view: the prisoner's hands open (in supplication?) remind him of images of the BVM. Check it out.

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