Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I knew that G-Mail thing wasn't worth it

Yahoo mail is planning to raise storage on its free email accounts to 100MB. I guess Google's promise to offer a gigabyte (ten times 100MB) of storage scared them.

Meanwhile a bit on Metafilter the other day has something about people bargaining for G-Mail accounts. I guess it would supposedly be a great thing if I were to have snagged mark@gmail.com when they offered me an account. But I'm slowly learning to resist these supposedly cool offers. For example, it took me a while, but I've gotten over the humiliation of losing my status in United's frequent flier club. Over the last 18 months I've gone from being a Premiere Executive to just Premiere to, now, merely a lowly "member." And I gave up my membership in the Red Carpet Club too. Because I can hardly afford to fly anywhere anymore -- what difference does it make what airline status I have when I'm only taking two trips to Portland a year?

And in the blogisphere, add three to your rounds:

Washingtonienne (courtesy Wonkette)
Clueless (courtesy Washingtonienne) -- but what's that thing about "turning the ring so the point is facing out"?
Seach Engine Journal (courtesy Metafilter)

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