Monday, May 17, 2004

Where the laughter never stops

The fur positively flew in Hartford, Conn. last week as Ann Coulter and Al Franken faced off [use userid black6 and pwd bloc66] in what was advertised as a "conversation" but quickly became a venue for mud-slinging and cheap shots.

The evening's tone was set early when Roberts asked which political figure each would most like to be. Coulter said she would answer with who she believed had the most fun. Her response: Sen. Joseph McCarthy, because he got to remove "communist spies from the government."

That elicited loud booing from the sold-out audience, that made its political leanings obvious with frequent applause and jeers.

Franken's response: "Hitler."

The audience roared with laughter.

Fun, isn't it? But there's something so bread-and-circuses about it. I wish for a little more light, less heat.

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