Wednesday, May 26, 2004

You mean it's not performance art?

One look at the vibrant colors in these costumes -- oops, I mean prison jumpsuits and military uniforms -- against the cool slate-blue gravel, and you realize the visual potential for theater out of all this.

The lead NYT article today, detailing a wider range of abusive incidents than previously has been confirmed, includes allegations against a unit from San Francisco (about 3/4 of the way down in the story):

In what appeared to be a serious case of abuse over a prolonged period of time, unidentified enlisted members of the 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion, part of the California National Guard, were accused of abusing Iraqi detainees at a center in Samarra, north of Baghdad.

The unit, based in San Francisco, operated under the command of the Third Infantry Division, the armored force that led the Army assault on Baghdad last April and continued to patrol the city and the surrounding region into the summer.

According to the Army summary, members of the 223rd "struck and pulled the hair of detainees" during interrogations over a period that lasted 10 weeks. The summary said they "forced into asphyxiations numerous detainees in an attempt to obtain information."

Perhaps the only thing that can save Bush at this point would be a terrorist attack in the U.S. If I lived in Boston or New York, I think I'd consider taking that sabbatical in Spain until Xmas.

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