Monday, December 12, 2005

Chronicle blowing its near-monopoly status?

The SF Chronicle, which dominates Northern California (a huge area* the size of New England plus much of New York state -- how many major newspapers are published in that area?), is in financial straits despite its prime position.

The internet is part of the reason, particularly Criagslist, which siphons off classified advertising -- and who knew until now how important those classified ad dollars were to daily newspapers? -- as well as cable TV news. In addition, I think extended commutes are to blame -- who has time to read the paper before getting in the car? -- as well as corporate cutbacks that have people doing the work of two or three people.

For more than you ever needed to know about the Chronicle, see this American Journalism Review article.

* I even made a map. Curiously, I just had a conversation with someone joking about where "Northern California" ends as you traverse the central part of the state. "No one," commented my interlocutor, "wants to claim Visalia."

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