Friday, December 09, 2005

Girls gone wild

In news from the high school I graduated from, six of ten varsity cheerleaders have been kicked off the squad for drinking on a school bus on the way to an away football game. The best part of the story is the attitude of total denial of the mother of one of the remaining rah-rahs:

"Those removed from the squad were all really good girls. I know them personally. They are honor students from good families and did a lot for school leadership." In addition, she said, the Clear Lake cheerleading team as a whole is a group of talented athletes whose dedication to hard work has earned them a national title.

Indeed -- if getting drunk before "performing potentially dangerous flips and lifts" has got them this far, why argue with success? All I can say is, this never would have happened when I was at the school (*cough*) thirty-one (*ack*) years ago. The drinking age in Texas then was 18.

Girl from neighboring high school was Advocate's gay teen diarist last year
Residents of Clear Lake area couldn't hack Hurricane Rita evacuation

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1 comment:

Myfanwy Collins said...

I wonder if there has been an increase of binge drinking among teenagers since the 21 drinking limit came into being? When I was in high school, we used to cross the border into Canada where the drinking age was still 18 (and it is much easier for a 15-year-old to pass for 18).