Saturday, December 31, 2005

Hotel number three

I'm now in Washington, DC, on the 9th floor of a luxe business hotel, the only fault of which is that the desk is too high relative to the desk chair -- for me, at least. The Marriotts I stayed at had a little pull-out lower desk that was just right for the laptops.

Across the street there are several buildings with many massive satellite dishes on their roofs. I figured they were embassies with secret spy missions, but I was disappointed to note that one of them is actually the local branch of CBS News.

Perhaps entraced by this atmosphere, I dreamt last night that I had done a performance piece in which Colin Powell was going to appear.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I was in DC a couple months ago and stayed at a hotel across the street from UPI. Very sad looking down onto all those empty offices. But at least they were piping their free (but weak) wi-fi out into the neighborhood.