Sunday, December 18, 2005

Rainy days and Sundays

Busy rainy day, with a hell of a lot of time spent at church either rehearsing or performing with the choir. I joined the choir a few months ago and am one of the few people who can croak out the tenor part -- though I prefer the baritone. It's nice to be needed, I guess, and the ratio of basses to tenors is about 5:1, so I do feel like I should show up. It sure made for a busy day today, though.

During the afternoon I got a very little bit accomplished on my book. What was more important was getting back in the swing of working on it, prepartory to the week between Xmas and New Years, which I have off. If I can get some momentum going by next Friday I should be able to write a couple of chapters.

The gloomy weather and the feeling of obligation made me a little depressed today, but I have finally woken up to the fact that I get a little depressed every year around this time -- it's entirely seasonal -- so as long as I remember that, I don't feel too bad.

And now that all the singing is done for the day, I actually feel pretty good. I just wish I had a day off tomorrow. Maybe I'll get up late.

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