Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Her lips aren't the only part that's tight

In an entry headlined No Question Natasha Is Tight-Lipped, NY Daily News columnist Lloyd Grove provides some inspiration to Bush administration spokespersons looking for alternative ways to answer questions.

Any female crushes? "I can't go there."

What about non-Neeson male crushes? "I wouldn't share that with my shrink, let alone with the readers of the Daily News."

Oh, so she's seeing a shrink? "I don't have one right now."

What's the one thing people don't know about her husband? "You think I'd tell you that?"

So much more entertaining than McClellan!

Q. But how do we know they weren't tortured? They claim they were.

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry?

Q. How do we know they weren't tortured?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, we know that our enemy likes to make claims like that.

Q. I want to go back to David's question about whether or not the administration is looking into any new ways of monitoring rendition activities in other countries that --

MR. McCLELLAN: I answered his question and I'm not going to --

Q. You didn't answer that question, Scott.

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm not going to talk any further about it.

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