Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Today's science news

Oh sure -- the judge ruled "intelligent design" is not science. Okay, it could have gone the other way, but everyone in this country has not gone completely insane, thank God. As for the right-wingers whose whole motivation is simply to use such cases to chip away at the First Amendment -- here's a big UP YOUR HOLE WITH A MELLO ROLL from me. Maybe you can talk about it in church on Sunday... oh, wait! You're not having church on Sunday anymore. Well, good luck.

No, the science story I really want to talk about is this piece (courtesy BoingBoing) about how Stalin wanted an army of superhuman ape-men "insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat."

That would have been awesome, comrade. Then they could have kicked the shit out of the Nazis even faster. Unfortunately, they might not have stopped at Berlin. I can see them now, scaling the Eiffel Tower.

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