Thursday, December 15, 2005

Snacking youth

Today at the d.b.t.s. we hosted a fourth-grade class from a nearby public school. They came over at 10:30 and left at 1:15, and during that time they built graham cracker houses using gummy white frosting for mortar and M&Ms and Gummi bears as decorations; received and played with presents the company had purchased and I and my co-workers had wrapped yesterday; held mock business meetings; and ate the late-arriving pizza.

Twenty-seven fourth graders, and I have to say they were totally great. Despite all the sugar we were feeding them, despite the utter lack of any educational content to the day (the mock business meetings they convened in the conference room had something to do with building robots who "wrecked houses," played hockey, and watched children), they were all sweet and good-natured and polite and completely non-violent. So it was fun to have them around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute. That sounds like fun. I could do that once in a while.