Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ford reverses ban on ads in gay pubs

Twisting, twisting in the wind, the embattled Ford Motor Co. -- the brainchild of a mouth-foaming anti-semite -- has said it will reverse its decision to drop ads in gay publications.

The automaker claims there was never really a ban on ads to gays -- they just wanted to trim costs.

Ford now hopes to end an embarrassing public relations problem that left many puzzled. ... It was Ford's support of gay causes that led the American Family Association to call for a boycott. The association cited what it called Ford's "extensive promotion of homosexuality," including the company's training in tolerance of gays and ads designed specifically for gay audiences.

After Ford learned of the boycott, company executives began meeting with the association, which then agreed to temporarily suspend its boycott. The two sides talked on and off for six months. Two weeks ago Ford said Jaguar and Land Rover, but not Volvo, would stop advertising in gay publications. The family association claimed victory, but Ford said the decision was only a way for the company to cut costs.

In its letter on Wednesday, Ford said, "It is clear there is a misperception about our intent."

You almost feel sorry for them, trying to weigh the relative merits of pissing off the 15% of the population who are fundies, or the 15% of the population who are queer. They probably realized gays have more disposable income and are much more likely to buy Jags and Volvos.

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