Friday, December 23, 2005

Desperately thinking about Christmas

By this time of the month people seem compelled to offer up a holiday thought, usually while making it crystal clear that someone as cool as they are not religious, no sir, especially not Christian in, you know, that way.

You know, it's okay, people. Nobody is religious these days, and nobody expects you to have deep thoughts about Christmas per se -- whether it's a religous version, or merely a capitalist one, that comes to your mind. Write about the nutty consumerism, write about the way all the quasi-religious symbolism is exploited in the name of profits, but going out of your way to make clear your own personal rejection of all that is stupid about it sometimes seems like you're protesting just a little bit too much.

And yet, the text from Isaiah, the one quoted in Handel's "Messiah," is moving. If you want to have a nice Christmas experience that doesn't involve buying anything or going to church, read that, and maybe Truman Capote's story "A Christmas Memory." Dylan Thomas or "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is optional.

Then you're done. Go to the beach with the wind in your face and walk it all off.


Myfanwy Collins said...

Hey Mark,

Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that jazz. Squaw this year was one of my highlights--thanks to you and the other people in our group. I'm so glad we've stayed in touch.

Here's to 2006!

Mark Pritchard said...

Aw thanks!

Myf is the one person from our group at Squaw whom I've kept in touch with.