Thursday, November 30, 2006

Crappy website of the week

Cris on the warpath for the Rockport website:
Dudes, This is a terrible website. I hated wasting my time watching silly little animations before I could get into your website. And then when I tried to "shop now," you actually had a moving target! Can anything be stupider? I wanted to click on "women" and the target kept moving around. Who thought of this? If she or he has come down now (or you could douse their head in cold water to help the process), please explain to this programmer that they need to quit thinking of themselves as a cinematic auteur (look it up) and just create a useful website. People are in a hurry, and artistically, this kind of animation climaxed with the dancing baby. Get over it.
How I love her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cris inspired me to write to lands end to complain about their crappy website. To browse their new "collections", the top half of the screen is taken up by a stupid picture. The bottom half of the screen shows 4 products at a time. And when you click next you don't get the next 4 products!! Only one rolls off. So first you see products 1-4, then 2-5, then 3-6. INSANE. You need a ridiculous amount of clicks just to see the full 22 items in one of their collections. I was stunned.