Thursday, November 02, 2006

Line of the day

Courtesy Fishbowl NY, here's a Rolling Stone interview with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert -- by Maureen Dowd, no less, whose opening (in which she expresses disappointment that they don't seem intimidated by her) falls flat. But the beginning of the interview itself has this fantastic comeback by Stewart:
Dowd: A fake news show, "The Daily Show," spawned a fake commentator, Colbert, who makes his own fake reality defending the fake reality of a real president, and has government officials on who know the joke but are still willing to be mocked by someone fake. Your shows are like mirrors within mirrors, using a cycle of fakery to get to the truth. You've tapped into a sense in society that nothing, from reality shows to Bushworld, is real anymore. Do you guys ever get confused by your hall of mirrors?

Stewart: I didn't know we were going to have to be high to do this interview.

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