Friday, November 03, 2006

It's Bad Behavior Friday™ -- Deep Sixed edition

'Major scientific study': Most sea life will be gone in 42 years.

Meanwhile, Whole Foods has just resumed selling "Chilean Sea Bass". Could there be a connection? Wouldn't it be ironic if yuppies were the cause of the collapse of the global economy and tens of millions of deaths? (Of course, after that happens: all the more for us!)

In a case that slams the door on one of the more arrogant zillionaires from the millennium, former Computer Associates head Sanjay Kumar has been sentences to 12 years in prison for orchestrating a huge accounting fraud. Kumar's attorney has requested the former bigwig do his time at Fairton Prison in New Jersey where, according to this page, the inmates manufacture "electronic connectors."

I always wanted to know where the tubes that make up the internet come from -- now I know.

This article has more on the Fairton prison, where:
... inmates are expected to work jobs ranging from cleaning floors to doing plumbing work, said Thomas Jones, public information officer for the prison. Wages, he said, start at 12 cents an hour and can be used to purchase goodies from the commissary.
Now let's check in with rabble-rousing columnist Stanley Crouch, who says Barack Obama "isn't black" enough, according to Crouch, who cites Obama's parentage of a white mother and a Kenyan father: "Other than color, Obama ... does not share a heritage with the majority of black Americans, who are descendants of plantation slaves.... So when black Americans refer to Obama as 'one of us,' I do not know what they are talking about."

Oh, great. We're going to have a fight over whether Barack Obama is black enough. The way some gay people do not consider bisexuals queer enough, or some fundamentalists consider mainstream Protestants Christian enough. As someone once said, can't we all just get along?

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