Monday, November 20, 2006

Headline of the week

Headline of the week honors go to
Memo to O.J.: Kill Yourself
Fortunately, they got that in just under the wire, as it was announced this afternoon that media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, who rulez the congomerate that was going to publish the ghost-written (and ghost-ridden!) not-a-confession pulled the plug on the book, calling it "ill-considered." Meanwhile, Fox -- also owned by Murdoch -- was trying to figure out what to do with the long interview with publisher Judith Regan that was scheduled to run this week (a sort of Thanksgiving special, I guess).

It all goes to show: even at Fox, where the vast right-wing conspiracy lives, the left hand sometimes doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Maybe that's why they lost the election.

On Regan, whose name only publishing insiders knew until last week, Galleycat earlier today published this collection of links.

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