Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dumbass of the week

That would be Sen. John Kerry, whose "botched joke" about studying hard so you don't "get stuck in Iraq" has given the Republicans something to attack -- and like certain dogs, they're at their most powerful when attacking. Finally getting a clue that his clanger has suddenly made him radioactive, Kerry cancelled appearances with Democratic candidates.

As anyone who knows me or reads this blog knows, I am a total liberal and I hate the fucking Republicans, but really, Kerry's defense that he was talking about Bush being "stuck in Iraq" and not our sacred, holy Troops, is utterly lame. OF COURSE he was talking about being a soldier stuck in Iraq -- that's the only way you can take his statement. (Watch the video for yourself on the CNN page devoted to the controversy. It's down low on the page where it says "(Watch Kerry's 'botched joke' that launched the political stink -- 1:50 Video.") He's telling students to study hard so you can get a decent job and not be forced to join the Army for economic reasons and go to Iraq.

Any protestations to the contrary are just dishonest. I really like Keith Olbermann's Countdown show on MSNBC, I watch it every night because it's smart and funny and Olbermann has decided to channel Murrow and attack the administration on principle. But Olbermann's defense of Kerry in this case is as misguided as it is predictable -- and the latter sin is the greater for a television star. I think Olbermann should keep his powder dry on this and a couple of other issues that he's pulled the emergency cord on lately -- or he risks simply becoming shrill.

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