Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Evangelical spin begins

Writing on Beliefnet, a New Life Church clergyman posits what looks like the religious right's first angle on the Haggard debacle: the investigation into his behavior is "over," and what needs to happen now is forgiveness and healing.

That is a lie. As Larry Stockstill, the head of the "overseers" panel appointed by the church to look into the allegations against the senior pastor, said in a Sunday press conference, the investigation continues:
...Leaders at the former pastor's church believe he is still being deceptive about the extent of his sexual activity, the Rev. Larry Stockstill said Sunday.

Stockstill, Haggard's mentor and head of the church's investigation into allegations by former male escort Mike Jones about Haggard's sexual and drug activity, said officials will require Haggard to take polygraphs and undergo psychological evaluations before considering his return to church life.

Haggard's computer hard drive also will be examined for evidence of longer-term illicit sexual activity, Stockstill said during a news conference at New Life Church.
The church's board of overseers is also undertaking a thorough review of Haggard's financial situation, although no allegations of improprieties have been made and no evidence has surfaced of any financial wrongdoing.
Maybe lying is contagious.

Update no. 1: Satire: "Evangelicals regret being such dicks about Clinton"

Update no. 2: They may have taken the Daily Show clips off YouTube, but you can still read the transcript of Jon Stewart's bit on Haggard on a blog called The Third Path.

Update no. 3: Analysis pieces:

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