Friday, November 10, 2006

It's Bad Behavior Friday™! -- eating crow edition

Andrew Fastow, one of the Enron felons, won't be serving his six-year sentence in the prison of his choice near Houston. Instead, he's going to Louisiana.

And remember that case where a reality TV crew was sued for staging a confrontation between a woman and her estranged husband, on whom she had previously gotten a restraining order? A judge threw out some of the criminal charges but the trial on other charges is going forward.

Police in New Mexico who were served pot-laced Whoppers are suing Burger King.

On the Ted Haggard beat, the AP says mega-churches are taking a hard look at "superstar pastors" like the disgraced drug-addicted cocksucking hypocrite.
Modern-day celebrity pastors have Web sites, where they promote their books, along with the DVDs, TV shows and films they produce, while preaching internationally. With such high profiles, word of any wrongdoing will spread quickly, intensifying the damage to them and their congregations.

Haggard felt the impact firsthand last week.
So that's what they're calling it now -- "the impact." I can think of a few others who "felt the impact" this week, and they all have an (R) after their names.

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