Monday, April 26, 2004

Classic NYer neurosis competition

The New York Observer has a funny piece on Netflix and the psychological ingredients of having a longer "queue" than others. It contains this classic bit of competitive neurosis:

For Elaine Chen, an ad copywriter at Wunderman, though, the problem is more mundane:

When a friend at work suggested she add Netflix to her already overloaded entertainment smorgasbord, the thought made her cringe. "We all basically have a bottom-line amount of information we can handle, so I thought, ‘I can’t be spending any more money on this crap than I already am,’" Ms. Chen said. "If I already have a cable bill, you throw in my Internet and my TiVo, it’s $100 a month!’ So I’m like, ‘If I pay another 20 bucks for Netflix, I’ll just feel like I’m an asshole.’ It’s particularly bad because I really have an extremely frightening home theater system for a single woman. At some point, I really need a reason to leave the house."

Elaine, huh? It does sound like a Seinfield bit.

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