Saturday, April 17, 2004

Sun everywhere

I spent sunny yeserday wandering around the city on foot and by transit, as the pictures on the photoblog show. It was supposed to rain, but instead it was gorgeously sunny and cool. I wish Marilyn, who visited last week, could have seen this weather.

And speaking of erotica-writing friends, Susie Hara has a new piece on Cleansheets, the first one she's published without a pseudonym. Or maybe they just goofed. Anyway, read it, I like her writing.

At one point I rode the streetcars all the way from Castro to the Embarcadero, and then around to Broadway. Every tourist to SF should do this ride -- right down the main drag of the city, from neighborhood to neighborhood, all of them interesting.

Update later: We went out to Mt. Tam for a little hike. Specifically this meant about 2.5 hours of driving for an hour or so of hiking, but I wanted to see the wildflowers. We saw a few of those Calipso orchids -- tiny little purple things. I would have missed it, but one of them had a crowd around it taking pictures. "They're very rare," one of the people assured us.

"Oh yeah, like, um, that other one over there?" I asked, pointing a few feet away. Then a few feet farther we saw one more. But that was it.

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