Thursday, April 29, 2004

Now for all the good news from Iraq

Satire is dead, they say. I haven't watched Saturday Night Live in years, The Simpsons seems tired, and even The Onion isn't all that funny lately. But once in a while something just kind of blows a valve.

Here we go: Sinclair TV -- owner of several dozen TV stations -- says it's tired of all the bad news from Iraq, and has decided to start telling stories about all the good things happening there. It's a little unclear how they intend to accomplish this, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. We're all waiting, fellas, for those feel-good stories from Iraq.

In the spirit of this effort, according to an entry on, Sinclair will also black out from its ABC affilliates tomorrow's Nightline broadcast, in which Ted Koppel plans to spend the whole program simply reading and showing pictures of dead U.S. troops killed in Iraq. Too negative.

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