Sunday, April 04, 2004

Know the enemy

John was married and the father of three teenage sons, but throughout his 20-year marriage, he had been involved in anonymous homosexual encounters. Early on, he was so desperate for help he moved his entire family to New York City, stating he wanted to earn a Ph.D. at a theological school there. But his real motivation was to receive help from a psychoanalyst in Manhattan well known for his successful treatment of homosexuality. Through this doctor's care, John came alive to his sexual need for his wife.

Once in a while, it's good for you to read what the other side has to say, to remind yourself how full of shit they are.

Then there's this: French film critics say Gibson's 'Passion' is "sadistic", "manipulative" and "boring", and "undoubtedly the most dangerous and most violent interpretation ever made of the Passion of Christ."

And: this piece about how right-wing Christians support Zionism because they think Israeli-Palestinian strife will hasten the Second Cmoing.

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