Sunday, April 25, 2004

Obligatory weblink dept.

In the most recent issue of Get Your War On, Garfield and Bill the Cat suddenly appear. Plus, it's funny and articulate, as usual. (Background for those who came in late: Get Your War On started as a thrown-together screed of post-9/11 anxiety and rage. It perfectly captured the modern patois of sarcasm, profanity and over-education. It caught on big, getting cited all over newspapers, TV and the internet. Plus the artist donates profits from the books to anti-landmine efforts.)

Okay, now that I've fulfilled my basic duty as a blogger -- actually linking to something on the web -- I'll just say hello. it's a beautiful Sunday morning; I awoke to birdsong, made myself some coffee, and read the Sunday paper in the sunlight-splashed front room, while Six alertly snoozed in front of me. Today, a typical Sunday: church, watching the Giants game on TV while exercising, then a trip to the store to pick up a pie, then the usual Sopranos-watching evening at Sara's.

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