Tuesday, April 27, 2004

How's that war going?

"Heavy fighting" as well as bombing killed "scores" in Fallujah and Najaf as hopes for peace dwindled.

A leaked report from a (now former) Coalition Authority spook/string puller is still hawkish on the occupation of Iraq, but admits the effort to promote a democratic Iraq is disorganized, rife with nepotism and cronyism, and "the progress evident happens despite us rather than because of us."

But here's my favorite: The Army asked two California ski resorts to return a couple of howitzers it loaned them for avalanche control, saying the artillery pieces were needed in the war.

Meanwhile, in Spain, the new prime minister is doing more than just pulling Spain out of Iraq. He's launching a campaign against domestic violence, making it subject of the first law drafted by his new administration.

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