Sunday, June 26, 2005

I love the smell of pussy in the morning

Alexis wrote me asking for something exciting. Exciting news, I supposed she meant. I had little to offer, but here's Badger on the Dyke March, complete with pix. I loved her account of how she asked dozens and dozens of Women Motorcyclists to let her ride with them and they completely scorned her but she went away happy, not in a masochistic way (I presume) but because of her sunny and unsinkable personality.

I am still playing footsy -- in the business sense -- with the literary agent, and I am making scant progress on my new book, which I'm supposed to workshop at Squaw. Perhaps the only things of interest I have to offer is StarryShine's blog, and the possibility of another new blog I'm starting which would have erotic content, but probably not be interesting to anybody.

I dunno, I'm not feeling particularly confident this morning. I wish the Giants were doing better. Perhaps this is what it's like to be a Cubs fan -- only they experience it year after year after year.

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