Thursday, June 02, 2005

Took another step

I've gotten some encouragement around the novel I finished over the last couple of years, and which I've been trying to find an agent for -- it's titled Make Nice. In March, I sent out a few blind queries to agents. I got one no and never heard from another, but the third asked to see my first fifty or so pages. In April, based on those chapters, she asked to see the whole book. That was pretty exciting right there, because I'd had agents ask for the first 50 pages before, and I'd had agents ask for the whole thing right off the bat -- but never had an agent ask for the whole book after reading the first three chapters.

Yesterday I heard back from her after she finished reading the book, and though she wasn't ready to take me on as a client, she did have several encouraging things to say, and was willing to talk with me about what more the book might need. This is a very good sign -- even if, in the end, she doesn't take me on.

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