Friday, March 04, 2005

The first noble truth

The BBC has a multi-part series on prostitution, the sex industry, and porn in the U.K., titled Streets of Vice. Today's installment begins with the sentence "These days anyone can set up a website and become a porn star." Anyone? Yes, judging from the article, which features an obese 59-year-old woman called Francesca. I liked one of the comments at the end:

This shows the complete lack of morals of many people in this world. Shame on this woman. Instead of spending her last years usefully and being of benefit to society, she is leading a decadent and useless life!!
-- Padma, India

To which her customers might respond, who says she's not being useful? But I get Padma's point. There are so many other things one might be doing. What Padma fails to take into account is that some people are just exhibitionists, and if you get paid as well, then what modern person could resist? Only someone who has dedicated her life to reducing suffering.

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