Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Squashed activist's family sues bulldozer maker

Parents of peace activist Rachel Corrie, who was flattened when she stood in front of a bulldozer about to demolish a Gaza Strip house, are suing the bulldozer manufacturer, claiming it illegally sent its products to the Middle East "knowing the machines would endanger lives."

I've always been dubious about the Corrie story. When I heard it, my first reaction was, "That showed admirable courage." My second reaction was, "Didn't anybody tell her that standing in front of a bulldozer is supposed to be a symbolic protest?" Then when I was at Holden Village later that year, the staff practically canonized her at a prayer service devoted to peacemaking. That got to be a bit much. It shows classic American problems with perspective. Hundreds of people die every year in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- but when a pretty blonde dies by accident, we're supposed to get all worked up.

The picture's from the BBC story at that link. Why does it look like she's standing next to a garage in Wisconsin? Is that what Gaza looks like?

1 comment:

hooizz said...

seriously! that picture definately looks like middle america! when i was perusing, i thought it was a story about someone in the US!

btw - i noticed you were having trouble with your technorati search field. how did you get yours to work? mine is permanantly broken on my blog. im not sure if its an issue with java applets or not.

let me know if you get a chance.
