Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Wear a kimono, ride the bus free

In Kyoto, which is a real city as opposed to something like Colonial Williamsburg, they're offering free public transport and admission to tourist attractions for anyone wearing kimono. If you don't have one, you can rent one for $28/day. I don't know if that includes assistance with putting it on.

I think this is a fine idea, one that should be extended to other cities. For example, in San Francisco, free bus rides for anyone wearing a leather jacket and piercings (though that would probably bankrupt Muni). In Houston, a free admission to the Astrodome for anyone wearing a brown polyester suit and cowboy boots. In Chicago, a Cubs jacket and blue jeans gets you in free to the Museum of Science and Industry. In New York, wearing all black gets you a free ride on the Staten Island Ferry. What's that you say? The Staten Island Ferry is already free? OK, a free admission to MOMA -- since the only people there are tourists anyway. I've heard the locals are waiting a year to let the crowds clear out.

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