Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Just think what John Belushi could do with this

"My intention is to impact the culture [of America]," she says. "The people are the most important component of a society, and so that's where the battle for the minds needs to be waged."

Naomi sounds like a well-seasoned politician. But she is in fact a first year student at Patrick Henry College, America's first university established primarily for evangelical Christian home-schooled children.

That's from this BBC story: Educating America's Christian Right:

They are also all deeply religious and committed to transforming America. In fact, all students have to sign a statement before they arrive, confirming, among other things, that they have a literal belief in the teachings of the Bible.

Just what the country needs, isn't it? More literal-minded fundamentalists. And yet every single one of these kids and the adults in charge would probably say they hate Islamic fundamentalism, which does exactly the same thing: drums a conservative, supposedly "literal" interpretation of the Koran into the minds of young kids.

God, sometimes I honestly do fear for the country. On the other hand, this takes some of the onus off my generation. Train enough of these fundie shits and we're off the hook for what happens next.

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