Saturday, April 23, 2005

Ballgame, dream

Last night's ballgame was a bit of a disappointment -- the Giants, unable to put together any kind of offense, lost in a rather punchless 6-1 -- but the seats weren't. We were about 8 rows off the field, right behind the visitors' on-deck circle. It certainly made for a new level of alertness, since there was a chance of a foul tip killing you. But nothing came our way. I did bring my mitt to the game for the first time ever, though, strictly as a self-defense measure. Cris also pointed out that it made an excellent hot dog tray.

That night I had several dreams, culminating in a nice dream where I had somehow come into possession of a signed, first edition copy of The Thurber Carnival. I was holding the book and crying with happiness because the book was such a treasure. Came at the end of a long dream, the rest of which I can't remember. Bit silly, I guess.

I've spent my Saturday as usual, either doing errands, exercising or puttering around. Tonight I might go see the latest Woody Allen movie, "Melinda and Melinda." He's been such a disappointment lately. What a horrible case of self-destructiveness.

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