Thursday, April 07, 2005

I dunno, I think it's pretty funny

This story (courtesy Say Anything) about the "citizen volunteers" who are spending spring break in the desert hunting undocumented immigrants suggests people are all hot and outraged about the volunteers' conduct, but the sense of humor shown in this instance almost raises the situation to a fine point of farce:

Three volunteers patrolling the border for illegal immigrants were being investigated after a man told authorities he was held against his will and forced to pose for a picture holding a T-shirt with a mocking slogan. The shirt read: "Bryan Barton caught an illegal alien and all I got was this T-shirt."

He's lucky -- it could have said "My father is a fool!" (That's a private joke for Cris.) Unfortunately the picture itself has not been published, so I made do with that photo above of some fat asshole from a Houston Chronicle report. You know the Texas papers are all over this -- even though the story's taking place in Arizona.

Then there's this story from the Christian Science Monitor in which the alleged behavior of desert pilgrims is compared to that of the Three Bears:

Years ago, they would politely ask you for water outside. Now you come home and someone is in your house, eating your food, trashing your bedroom, stealing your stuff, and leaving garbage everywhere.

Oh really? I call that a business opportunity, dumbass. If you were a real Republican you'd just open a low-rent bed and breakfast, and start charging them.

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