Sunday, April 10, 2005

Echoes of another spring day

Went to the ballgame late, getting there in the third inning, in time for a big Giants rally in the fifth. It was a perfect spring afternoon, calm at the game's beginning, growing a little breezier by the end of the game, which was short despite the 11-4 final. No incidents on the smile cam, but the park now features a particularly egregious new form of dot racing. They used to have a video "cable car race" that a., you could actually follow, and b., was not crammed with product placement. The new version is sponsored by a credit card company, makes absolutely no sense, and you can't even tell which car "wins." To top it all off, they have three children cheering for the different cars, and the "winner" gets a hundred dollar gift card. Gee, just what every 11-year-old child needs, a hundred dollar gift card.

That was disgusting, but the Italian sausage I had was great. All the other ballpark food I had was perhaps overdoing it. But hey, it was my first game of the year.

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