Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Happiness wins out

All right, despite the ascension of Ratzinger and his putative acolyte Coulter (colt-her?), I actually had a lovely day today. I wrote an entire 2400 word story -- which is short for me, but it worked out fine -- and sent it off to Rachel K-B. I went to the doctor and got my prescription for steroids refilled. (Really! I have a skin condition.) I went to the vet and got the cats' prescription refilled. (They have fleas.) I had a great burger at the diner on 19th and Taraval, the one that used to be a Zim's. You're an oldtimer around here if you remember Zim's. All day long, the perfect day continued -- sunny, clear, 68 degrees, low humidity, cool breeze -- in a word, paradise. And it's "close to the water."

Here's something to interest writers: several literary blogs are uniting to agree on a single book to puff each quarter. Worth a try -- and you'll note that books by the bloggers themselves or their friends are "not eligible." I'd hate to be one of those bloggers now, though -- they'll be deluged with books by unknown writers. Well, there are worse fates.

And you shouldn't miss this piece in this morning's NYT about a linguist and sci-fi geek who invents complete languages for video game characters. That's got to be the job of the year. That article would be on thousands of geek's bulletin boards tonight if they hadn't drooled all over it.

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