Thursday, April 14, 2005

Gee, we really do have free speech in this country

Courtesy Wonkette comes this evidence that the First Amendment is still a force in our country. At an appearance at NYU, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was asked by a student:"Do you sodomize your wife?" Apparently the student was angling for some kind of score on hypocrisy grounds since the jurist famously supports anti-gay laws. Scalia did the only thing he could have done -- refused to dignify the question with an answer. I mean, what did the guy expect? Still, the fact the guy was apparently not taken out and shot tells you this country is still somewhat more free than, say, Saudi Arabia.

In related news, I saw "Sin City" yesterday. Stylish, yes, and funny in its way. My favorite character was the nutty Irish guy who loves blooing things oop. And I liked the homage to "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" as the guy got shot with a giant arrow through the belly and made a dry comment on it. But I have to admit I walked out about 15 minutes before the end -- right after Bruce Willis kisses the cowgirl-stripper he's been looking for. By that time I'd seen enough.


Anonymous said...

Aw, you should've finished it. The end was cute.

Mark Pritchard said...

Maybe I'll sneak into the ending this weekend when I go see Fever Pitch.