Monday, April 11, 2005

Doing church, not just being at church

I really liked today's post by the Feminarian about an Episcopal church she visited where "everybody gets it":

All of them are involved -- most were recruited to usher, and even serve on vestry, inside of a year (several told stories of being asked to usher within the first couple weeks!). Nobody in that room isn't doing something at the church. They understand that they gather to serve, not simply to sit. They work with the children or youth, they usher, they LEM*, they sing, they read. And as near as I can tell, it's all laity-driven. The rector isn't asking - people are just doing it. That, my friends, is a body that is getting it. They understand that their role isn't to sit by and wait for the leader to make church happen. They are the church.

*A LEM in the Episcopal church is a Lay Eucharistic Minister, someone who has trained to assist in the distribution of communion during the worship service. The acronym is used both as a noun and, as ehre, a verb. In the Lutheran church we are a little less official about the education and training aspect of this role -- basically, if you want to do it, someone spends ten minutes with you explaining what to do, and you're it. And five of those ten minutes is how to tie the cincture.

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