Monday, April 04, 2005

Red leader to tiger five! Possible target at nine o'clock! Engage!

If you're a dweeb in Minneapolis, Girl Friday wants to be your wingman -- someone who goes to a bar or party with you, not as a date per se, but as a social facilitator. If you spot someone attractive, she goes over and says, "Hey, that friend of mine thinks you're kind of cute" -- or whatever works. Apparently this is a newly established field.

The comedic aspects of this are enormous. I see a whole Steve Martin - Jessica Alba movie based on this idea. Of course, in the movie, the whole point is that the wingman-girl falls for her client. OK, not Steve Martin, too old. Ben Stiller, maybe.

I wonder if this idea has a time-limited currency. If it becomes too common to have a "wingman," then someone who gets approached is going to be like, "Okay, are you really his friend or is he paying you to do this?" That might spoil things.

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