Monday, April 18, 2005

Morning of wondrous beginnings

I feel so charged this morning. I got an idea for a new story, thanks to Alexis, who is proving a helpful muse, and I'm blogging like a mozzerfucker. Just look at this NYT article from Sunday on maximalist novels which I like so much I'm archiving it on my site. (So click the second link if you run into a registration page. I rarely do this, because I think the Times has a right to control its content, but certain articles cry out to be read over and over, so if they don't like it they can tell me.)

If I start block-quoting it I'll never stop, so let me just say how thrilled and gratified I am by the endoresement of long, complex books. Not that I've ever read any of the novel cited, but I did write a 490-page novel that I've been afraid for years is "too long" -- and 490 pages is peanuts compared to the books cited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do what I can.