Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bigots target Atlanta gay bookstore

Found out about this from the Shelf Awareness daily bookselling newsblatt: Homophobic protesters have demonstrated outside the Atlanta gay bookstore Outwrite for three weekends this summer, including Pride weekend. Their tactics included holding signs citing Bible verses, using a bullhorn, and taking videos and pictures of patrons, apparently in an attempt to intimidate customers.

The story included this interesting tidbit:
From statements made by the protestors, (store owner Philip) Rafshoon believes they intend to continue through the primary election cycle to the mid-term elections in November.
In other words, they hope to energize the base of homophobic Xtians to come out and vote for their boy Ralph Reed -- as it's a tried a true tactic by conservatives to energize the base through some emotional knee-jerk issue, thus bringing out voters who will, while they're at the polls voting for the latest homophobic or anti-woman initiative, also vote for homophobic candidates.

Update: Read Jim Rigby's article on Huff Post, Real Christians Don't Gay-Bash

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