Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hey, you bum, take a hike!

According to this Boston Globe story, loitering laptop users are "dragging down" cafes. Now that's a problem with a simple solution. You don't want people working on a computer in your cafe? Then turn off the wireless router. Maybe those freeloaders will boogie on down to the library, where they can sit all day for free, the damn commies.

Also in the Boston Globe, a follow-up on last week's study attesting to the stunning fact that mushroom users have "spiritual" experiences:
Psychedelic mushrooms have been a stubborn part of the nation's drug problem for decades...
Oh really? Which drug problem are mushrooms part of? The one where people sit quietly all day looking at the colors in a piece of glass? The one where people walk in the woods for eight hours and emerge sweetly tired but uplifted? If only that's what "the nation's drug problem" amounted to.

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