Monday, July 17, 2006

Can't trust that day

Gorgeous Monday -- and an early-morning dental experience without drama or trauma (except that the assistant examined herself in the mirror, and then told a little story about how tripping on a cat had made her fall down stairs at home -- like I'm going to ask her about her bruises. Perhaps she was just practicing the story). A fairly clear drive to work in Redwood City, where Broadway is finally open after God knows how long a construction project.

It's a "Spare the Air" day today, so almost all mass transit is free.

Meanwhile, war, war, tsunami! As Badger says:
Hello. It's a WAR. That we started and that we're still in. And we don't even bother to report on it. How fucked up can this country be? How can I have gone on with my life as usual for the last few years while all this happens?
Yes, it's strange living in this gorgeous place while, all around, shit happens. Perhaps this is what being dead is like: You witness horror, or choose to ignore it, but it hardly touches you.

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